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Mixed Ancestry

“Zorro is fun loving and loves everyone he meets,”

Place of Birth

California, USA

Current Location

Bakersfield, California, USA


Arroyo Grande, California, USA

This dog has been viewed and been given 13 wags

Genetic Breed Result


Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is an indoor companion that loves people and should not be left alone for long. They're loved for their sweet temperaments, and make wonderful dogs for families with children or anyone looking for a dog who will stick to them like Velcro.

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Japanese Chin

The Japanese Chin is a little breed that was born to rule the roost. Though Chinese in origin, these dogs were brought to Japan to serve as the companions of Japanese dignitaries. This is a loving dog that knows it is the real deal.

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The Papillon, also called the Continental Toy Spaniel, is a breed of dog of the Spaniel type.

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Dogs Like Zorro

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DNA Breed Origins

Breed colors:
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Japanese Chin


Here’s what Zorro’s family tree may have looked like.
While there may be other possible configurations of his family’s relationships, this is the most likely family tree to explain Zorro’s breed mix.



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Base Coat Color

Base Coat Color

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Body Size





Through Zorro’s mitochondrial DNA we can trace his mother’s ancestry back to where dogs and people first became friends. This map helps you visualize the routes that his ancestors took to your home. Their story is described below the map.







Zorro’s Haplogroup

This female lineage was very likely one of the original lineages in the wolves that were first domesticated into dogs in Central Asia about 15,000 years ago. Since then, the lineage has been very successful and travelled the globe! Dogs from this group are found in ancient Bronze Age fossils in the Middle East and southern Europe. By the end of the Bronze Age, it became exceedingly common in Europe. These dogs later became many of the dogs that started some of today's most popular breeds, like German Shepherds, Pugs, Whippets, English Sheepdogs and Miniature Schnauzers. During the period of European colonization, the lineage became even more widespread as European dogs followed their owners to far-flung places like South America and Oceania. It's now found in many popular breeds as well as village dogs across the world!


Zorro’s Haplotype

Maternal haplotypes are defined such that every unique marker we test for is necessary to make a confident call. In the case of your dog, there were too many missing mtDNA markers to reliably define a haplotype this way. However, we know your dog falls in the A1b haplogroup, which we can define more broadly.

A1b is the most common haplogroup found in German Shepherds.



Through Zorro’s Y-chromosome we can trace his father’s ancestry back to where dogs and people first became friends. This map helps you visualize the routes that his ancestors took to your home. Their story is described below the map.







Zorro’s Haplogroup

A2b appears to have split a few times in succession, which means that some of the Central Asian male ancestors of this lineage went their separate ways before their respective Y chromosomes made their rounds. There is not much diversity in this lineage, meaning that it has only begun to take off recently. Two iconic breeds, the Dachshund and Bloodhound, represent this lineage well. Over half of Rottweilers are A2b, as are the majority of Labrador Retrievers and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. While A2a is restricted mostly to East Asia, this paternal line is also found among European breeds.


Zorro’s Haplotype

Part of the A2b haplogroup, this haplotype occurs most commonly in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Brittanys, Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers, and village dogs in Lebanon.

A2b is found in the Daschund breed.

