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Place of Birth

Doha, Doha, Qatar

Current Location

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


Doha, Qatar

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Microchip: 968000010280849

Genetic Breed Result



Salukis are very fast, very ancient dogs. Some believe they were the first domesticated breed. Salukis are sighthounds, but today they are mainly companion dogs. Today, this is a particularly rare breed.

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Here’s what Samra’s family tree may have looked like.
While there may be other possible configurations of her family’s relationships, this is the most likely family tree to explain Samra’s breed mix.


Through Samra’s mitochondrial DNA we can trace her mother’s ancestry back to where dogs and people first became friends. This map helps you visualize the routes that her ancestors took to your home. Their story is described below the map.







Samra’s Haplogroup

About 15,000 years ago in Central Asia, females from this lineage were some of the wolves domesticated as the original dogs. Since then, dogs from this lineage traveled through the Middle East to Africa, where they became some of the African village dogs and basenjis, which are a native African breed of dog. There are also still pockets of dogs with this lineage that remained in Asia or places along the route to Africa, such as India. This lineage has also been found in the Borzoi, a Russian dog breed.


Samra’s Haplotype

Part of the large A1c haplogroup, this haplotype occurs in village dogs in central and southern Asia (Mongolia and India, specifically).

The presence of A1c in a Borzoi indicates a deep history of this lineage in Eurasia



The Paternal Haplotype reveals a dog’s deep ancestral lineage, stretching back thousands of years to the original domestication of dogs.

Are you looking for information on the breeds that Samra inherited from her mom and dad? Check out her breed breakdown and family tree.

Paternal Haplotype is determined by looking at a dog’s Y-chromosome—but not all dogs have Y-chromosomes!

Why can’t we show Paternal Haplotype results for female dogs?

All dogs have two sex chromosomes. Female dogs have two X-chromosomes (XX) and male dogs have one X-chromosome and one Y-chromosome (XY). When having offspring, female (XX) dogs always pass an X-chromosome to their puppy. Male (XY) dogs can pass either an X or a Y-chromosome—if the puppy receives an X-chromosome from its father then it will be a female (XX) puppy and if it receives a Y-chromosome then it will be a male (XY) puppy. As you can see, Y-chromosomes are passed down from a male dog only to its male offspring.

Since Samra is a female (XX) dog, she has no Y-chromosome for us to analyze and determine a paternal haplotype.

