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Gallery - Roux
Five Months Old
Little Roux, runt of the litter!
2 1/2 months old
Roux's Mother and Father
4 months old
4 months old
5 months old
Roux with our other Catahoula pup, Delphine
Roux with our other Catahoula pup, Delphine
Roux with our other Catahoula pup, Delphine
Roux in the Ozark Mountains at sunset. Nine months old! Looks like a leopard dog on a leopard rock!
Roux - 9 months old
Roux, one year old
Roux with his littermate brother Kylo. Kylo lives in Georgia.
Who is that masked dog?
Roux and our other Catahoula, Delphine. They are first cousins as they both carry the Salty Dog bloodline.
Roux and our other Catahoula, Delphine. They are first cousins as they both carry the Salty Dog bloodline.
Roux and our other Catahoula, Delphine. They are first cousins as they both carry the Salty Dog bloodline.
Roux and our other Catahoula, Delphine. They are first cousins as they both carry the Salty Dog bloodline.
Roux and our other Catahoula, Delphine. They are first cousins as they both carry the Salty Dog bloodline.
Roux and our other Catahoula, Delphine. They are first cousins as they both carry the Salty Dog bloodline.
Roux and our other Catahoula, Delphine. They are first cousins as they both carry the Salty Dog bloodline.