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Alaskan Malamute

  • Riley, an Alaskan Malamute tested with Riley, an Alaskan Malamute tested with

“Mild separation anxiety. Weary of unfamiliar places/people. Food motivated. Dominant (Boss bîtch energy) Attentive, confident & alert. 6yrs old spayed female currently weighing 80lbs. Is off-leash trained, knows basic commands & tricks. Was exposed to cats, chickens, goats, and horses. Extremely people social, dog selective.”

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Current Location

Klamath Falls, Oregon, USA


Klamath Falls, Oregon, USA

This dog has been viewed and been given 54 wags


American Kennel Club (AKC): WS56787702

Genetic Breed Result


Alaskan Malamute

The Alaskan Malamute is a large, fluffy spitz breed recognized as being one of the most ancient breeds of dogs. The forebears to the modern Malamute crossed the Bering Strait with their owners over 4,000 years ago. Their size, thick coat, and work drive make them ideal dogs for pulling sleds, but they also make amicable companions.

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Here’s what Riley’s family tree may have looked like.
While there may be other possible configurations of her family’s relationships, this is the most likely family tree to explain Riley’s breed mix.


Health Summary

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Riley inherited one variant that you should learn more about.

And one variant that you should tell your vet about.

Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia, PCD

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Riley inherited one copy of the variant we tested

What does this result mean?

This variant should not impact Riley’s health. This variant is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner, meaning that a dog needs two copies of the variant to show signs of this condition. Riley is unlikely to develop this condition due to this variant because she only has one copy of the variant.

What is Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia, PCD?

PCD arises from a mutation that inhibits the function of motile cellular appendages such as sperm flagella and the cilia of respiratory tract cells. These appendages whip with directionality, allowing sperm to propel themselves towards an egg, and for respiratory tract cells to whip dust, bacteria, and mucus up towards the throat to be coughed out.

ALT Activity

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Riley inherited one copy of the variant we tested

Why is this important to your vet?

Riley has one copy of a variant associated with reduced ALT activity as measured on veterinary blood chemistry panels. Please inform your veterinarian that Riley has this genotype, as ALT is often used as an indicator of liver health and Riley is likely to have a lower than average resting ALT activity. As such, an increase in Riley’s ALT activity could be evidence of liver damage, even if it is within normal limits by standard ALT reference ranges.

What is ALT Activity?

Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) is a clinical tool that can be used by veterinarians to better monitor liver health. This result is not associated with liver disease. ALT is one of several values veterinarians measure on routine blood work to evaluate the liver. It is a naturally occurring enzyme located in liver cells that helps break down protein. When the liver is damaged or inflamed, ALT is released into the bloodstream.

Breed-Relevant Genetic Conditions

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Factor VII Deficiency

Identified in Alaskan Malamutes

Day Blindness

Identified in Alaskan Malamutes

Alaskan Malamute Polyneuropathy, AMPN

Identified in Alaskan Malamutes

Additional Genetic Conditions

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Explore the genetics behind your dog’s appearance and size.

Base Coat Color

Base Coat Color

Coat Color Modifiers

Coat Color Modifiers

Other Coat Traits

Other Coat Traits

Other Body Features

Other Body Features

Body Size

Body Size





Through Riley’s mitochondrial DNA we can trace her mother’s ancestry back to where dogs and people first became friends. This map helps you visualize the routes that her ancestors took to your home. Their story is described below the map.







Riley’s Haplogroup

A2 is a very ancient maternal line. Most likely it was one of the major female lines that contributed to the very first domesticated dogs in Central Asia about 15,000 years ago. Some of the line stayed in Central Asia to the present day, and frequently appear as Tibetan Mastiffs and Akitas. Those that escaped the mountains of Central Asia sought out other cold spots, and are now found among Alaskan Malamutes and Siberian Huskies. This lineage is also occasionally found in several common Western breeds, such as German Shepherds and Labrador Retrievers. Curiously, all New Guinea Singing Dogs descend from this line. These are an ancient and very interesting breed found in the mountains of Papua New Guinea. Unfortunately, they are now endangered. They are closely related to the Australian dingo, so you could say its cousins are dingos! This line is also common in village dogs in Southeast and East Asia. Unlike many other lineages, A2 did not spread across the whole world, probably because it did not have the opportunity to hitch its wagon to European colonialism - or because these dogs just prefer hanging out in mountains, tundras, islands, and other hard-to-reach places!


Riley’s Haplotype

Part of the A2 haplogroup, this haplotype occurs most commonly in Siberian Huskies, Alaskan Malamutes, Labrador Retrievers, and village dogs from Alaska.

Dingos commonly possess this haplogroup.



The Paternal Haplotype reveals a dog’s deep ancestral lineage, stretching back thousands of years to the original domestication of dogs.

Are you looking for information on the breeds that Riley inherited from her mom and dad? Check out her breed breakdown and family tree.

Paternal Haplotype is determined by looking at a dog’s Y-chromosome—but not all dogs have Y-chromosomes!

Why can’t we show Paternal Haplotype results for female dogs?

All dogs have two sex chromosomes. Female dogs have two X-chromosomes (XX) and male dogs have one X-chromosome and one Y-chromosome (XY). When having offspring, female (XX) dogs always pass an X-chromosome to their puppy. Male (XY) dogs can pass either an X or a Y-chromosome—if the puppy receives an X-chromosome from its father then it will be a female (XX) puppy and if it receives a Y-chromosome then it will be a male (XY) puppy. As you can see, Y-chromosomes are passed down from a male dog only to its male offspring.

Since Riley is a female (XX) dog, she has no Y-chromosome for us to analyze and determine a paternal haplotype.

