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Gallery - Odis
Odie getting into our stick pile...
Odie's professional photograph.
Odie looks calm and casual but his dog tag says it best though, "I'm why we can't have nice things" :)
Odie loves the snow!
Odie is such a goofball baby he submits to the kitty...
Gifts for Mom's birthday... and yes that included Odie :)
Play tug-a-war with me please!!!
Odie also loves to hide into places that you would think he wouldn't fit... guess again!
Memorial day 2017
Odie loves his Emma. This is one reason we could not surrender him after he was surrendered to us. These two are truly best friends! (duplicate pic on Emma's profile).
Another duplicate from Emma's profile. They sit and sleep next to each other. Never apart.
Our full K9 pack that loves car rides! Odie far left.