Neddy is learning how to be a Boxer but first he has to grab that collar!
9 month old Neddy is still trying to grab Boxer collars.
Smaller than a Boston!
Neddy meets the family.
NEDDY IS A MIX BREED PUPPY who is 18.4% MINIATURE SCHNAUZER. His body began to change during his 4th month; his buff colored baby coat started shedding and his adult coat came in a golden color with a touch of white. Neddy kept his white chest and 4 white paws. His snout also widened slightly with jowls that match his black nose and dark brown eyes. His mama BRONZE (now Brillo) has a wire-hair coat, brown nose and lighter brown eyes yet both dogs have the same reddish colored eye lashes.
NEDDY fits the description of a typical looking Puerto Rican SATO DOG. Born in New Jersey, Neddy is a long-bodied, down-earred pup with a curved tail, short legs, and BIG front paws for easy digging? Surprisingly, there is no "HOUND" in Neddy's FAMILY TREE, however, MINIATURE SCHNAUZERS can be DIGGERS. Regarding Neddy's large size front PAWS; it is possible he got them from his 9.7% STAFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIER (mother's side only) or 24.2% SUPERMUTT.
ARF of Mercer (Animal Rescue Farm) posted this cutie-pie NEDDY (originally named BUFF) as the runt of his litter on 2019. Buff is the color of Neddy's baby coat. He weighted 9.80 lbs at his 1st veterinary appointment on April 16, 2019, 2 days shy of 8 weeks old.
NEDDY LOVES THE OUTDOORS. Left alone, his favorite back yard activities are digging BIG holes, carrying around garden rocks in his mouth, chasing bunnies or small critters, and grabbing his doggie siblings by their collars. He brings his rocks into the house and drops them on the floor with a "BANG" to share with his family for "good boy" pats. Neddy is 15.7 % LABRADOR RETRIEVER; they are known to carry rocks in their mouths.
24.2% Supermutt (Boxer, Cocker Spaniel, Collie) NEDDY is super SMART and very TRAINABLE. There is no POODLE or HOUND in Neddy's DNA nor is there any Pointer, Sighthound-Whippet/Italian Greyhound, or Vizsla as some have guessed. Amazingly, Neddy's DNA shows 15.7% LABRADOR RETRIEVER, 13.5% GERMAN SHEPHERD, and 8.4% DOBERMAN PINSCHER; all very smart, trainable large breeds. All 3 of these breeds are on both sides of Neddy's family tree.
GOTTA LOVE NEDDY'S EYES and NATURAL EYE LINER. At 5 months old, Neddy started losing his baby teeth. He loves wrestling and tugging with his doggie siblings and running and chasing bunnies and balls. MINIATURE SCHNAUZER, PEKINGESE (Sire's side only) and LABRADOR RETRIEVER breeds are apparent contributors to his size and temperament and it's assumed that the combined 6 breeds and 24.2% SUPERMUTT contribute to his healthy lineage. Neddy's father is unknown and may still reside in Puerto Rico.
NEDDY reached 30 pounds at 5 months old; surprisingly, his front paws don't seem nearly as big as in earlier months. Some have described Neddy's UP TAIL as a HAPPY TAIL.
NEDDY WAS BORN A PLAYER so he never turns down a game of tug with his doggie siblings or family. He is 32 lbs. and not quite 6 months old in this picture.
Neddy's mama BRONZE (Maisey/now Brillo) and her sister GOLD (now Piper) were SATO DOGS rescued from Puerto Rico. Soon after arriving in New Jersey, Brillo and Piper had a total of 6 puppies a few days apart. A fair amount of the 18.4% MINIATURE SCHNAUZER and 9.7% STAFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIER (Dam side only) came from Neddy's mama.
NEDDY is the first dog in the house with a LONG TAIL. At 6 months old Neddy is 34 lbs. It's comforting having a buddy to sleep with.
18.4% MINIATURE SCHNAUZER and 15.4% LABRADOR RETRIEVER just might be NEDDY'S personal YIN and YANG. Neddy is even-tempered and the majority of his traits from each breed are positive, bright and balanced. "In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang describes how opposite or contrary forces are actually complementary, inter-connected, and inter-dependent. " At 7 months old, Neddy remains toy crazy and he rarely barks. He is happiest when he is with his family and doggie siblings.
7 month old Neddy; "Pondering what his day will bring".
7 month old Neddy weights 36 lbs. He is excellent at digging big deep holes with his Boxer brother BODIE and carrying large garden rocks in his mouth. Nobody knew about the medium-sized pebble Neddy swallowed until early one morning, the pebble came up on its own. HOW LUCKY CAN HE BE!
8 month old Neddy weights 38 lbs. and his frame seems longer than in the last few months. His body continues to change weekly yet his temperament gets sweeter by the day!
9 month old Neddy has grown quite a bit in a month. His hind legs are noticeably longer than his front legs and seem better proportioned for his long body frame. He has gained 2 pounds each of the last 5 months and weighed 40.4 lbs. in early December 2019. Surprisingly, this once tiny puppy Neddy just might reach Embark's 45 pound prediction.
Much like in Neddy's early puppy days, this 9 1/2 month old boy is back to showing his love by grabbing his Boxer siblings by their collars. HEY NEDDY; "WHAT'S THAT ABOUT?"
10 month old Neddy weights 41 lbs. His eyes have lightened up and the tip of his nose shows the wear of his fondness for DIGGING! His temperament is near perfection except for his delight in chasing little critters and bunnies. He is unusually calm with people and especially sweet and gentle with children.
11 month old Neddy no longer looks like a puppy yet he can easily put a smile on any child's face with his calm, easy-going, S.W.E.E.T. temperament. In early February 2020, he weighed 43.6 lbs. and his dark brown eyes lightened considerably. His golden & white colored coat is short and softly feathered from the top of his head to the tip of his tail. Neddy loves soaking up the sunshine on a cold winter day, taking daily walks, and playing tug or retrieving a ball, even when it's raining.
Neddy weighed 44.4 pounds for his 1 year weigh-in at his vet's office in late February 2020. Embark predicted that Neddy would end up weighing 45 lbs. HOW COOL IS THAT? Note; the dogs in Neddy's household tend to be lean.
BRONZE and GOLD whelped puppies a few days apart soon after arriving in NJ. Neddy's mama BRONZE (right) & GOLD (left) raised their 6 puppies together in late February 2019. BRONZE had 2 boys & 1 girl; Neddy(m)BUFF, Coby(m)BRAZEN & Phoebe(f)BLANCHE and GOLD had 2 boys & 1 girl; Fenway(m)GUSTO, GALLANT(m), & GLITTER(f). Embark DNA testing determined that Neddy & Fenway are immediate family, therefore, since the boys have different mothers, it's most likely both dogs have the same UNKNOWN FATHER.
Appreciation and special thanks are extended to "BARKS OF HOPE" rescue in Puerto Rico and "ARF of MERCER" rescue in New Jersey. BRONZE and GOLD'S six beautiful, S.W.E.E.T. puppies were born safely in NJ and raised together until both mothers and all of their babies had permanent homes. Can't help grinning; who doesn't love watching SIX 6 week old puppies sleeping peacefully; all at the same time? Neddy/Buff is the 3rd puppy from the left.
1 year old Neddy (February 18, 2020) GROWING LEGS . . .
15 month old Neddy is just waiting for one of his play buddies.