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Mixed Ancestry

“I adopted Molly from the Atlanta Humane Society in August 2018, at approximately 1 year old. She was so quiet and calm at first, but as soon as I approached her, she instantly turned into a wigglebutt (and she hasn't stopped wiggling since)! Molly turns every stranger into a friend, and is truly the best dog ever! Surprisingly, her Embark Age Test results revealed that the shelter correctly guessed her age at time of adoption!”

Place of Birth

Albany, Georgia, USA

Current Location

Atlanta, Georgia, USA


Atlanta Humane Society, Howell Mill Road Northwest, Atlanta, GA, USA

This dog has been viewed and been given 7 wags

Genetic Breed Result


Embark Supermutt analysis

What’s in that Supermutt? There may be small amounts of DNA from these distant ancestors:

Boykin Spaniel

The Boykin Spaniel is a compact hunter that hails from South Carolina. This is a relatively new breed that excels at retrieving on land and in water. These guys are very intelligent and compassionate, and they make wonderful pets.

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American Foxhound

American Foxhounds, the American cousin of the English Foxhounds, are a lucky breed because their history and ancestry are well documented. They came over to the New World in 1650 with a man named Robert Brooke, who sailed from England to Crown Colony in North America (now modern day Maryland and Virginia). This pack of hunting dogs, beloved by the Brooke Family for hundreds of years, evolved to become the American Foxhound. The Brooke hounds were likely mixed with French hounds that were also brought to the Americas, and it was this mix of European breeds that eventually gave us our beloved American Foxhound.

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Chow Chow

This distinctive-looking dog breed has a proud, independent spirit that some describe as catlike. Often aloof and suspicious of strangers, the Chow Chow may not be a cuddle buddy, but for the right person, they are a fiercely loyal companion.

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Originally a bull-baiting dog, bulldogs today are gentle and loving while still carrying the stocky frame of their forbearers.

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The Pointer is a hard-working bird dog that is happiest when on the hunt. This is a high-energy breed that will be more than a handful for first-time owners. When given a job and plenty of room to run around, the Pointer can make for a wonderful companion.

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Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever was bred for hunting and excelled in retrieving game after it was shot down. Known for its gentle disposition and loyalty, the Labrador Retriever has become a favorite of families and breeders alike.

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Dogs Like Molly

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Click or tap on a pic to learn more about each dog and see an in-depth comparison of their DNA, breeds, and more.

DNA Breed Origins

Breed colors:
Boykin Spaniel
American Foxhound
Chow Chow
Labrador Retriever


Here’s what Molly’s family tree may have looked like.
While there may be other possible configurations of her family’s relationships, this is the most likely family tree to explain Molly’s breed mix.



Explore the genetics behind your dog’s appearance and size.

Base Coat Color

Base Coat Color

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Body Size





Through Molly’s mitochondrial DNA we can trace her mother’s ancestry back to where dogs and people first became friends. This map helps you visualize the routes that her ancestors took to your home. Their story is described below the map.







Molly’s Haplogroup

This female lineage can be traced back about 15,000 years to some of the original Central Asian wolves that were domesticated into modern dogs. The early females that represent this lineage were likely taken into Eurasia, where they spread rapidly. As a result, many modern breed and village dogs from the Americas, Africa, through Asia and down into Oceania belong to this group! This widespread lineage is not limited to a select few breeds, but the majority of Rottweilers, Afghan Hounds and Wirehaired Pointing Griffons belong to it. It is also the most common female lineage among Papillons, Samoyeds and Jack Russell Terriers. Considering its occurrence in breeds as diverse as Afghan Hounds and Samoyeds, some of this is likely ancient variation. But because of its presence in many modern European breeds, much of its diversity likely can be attributed to much more recent breeding.


Molly’s Haplotype

Part of the large A1d haplogroup, this common haplotype occurs in village dogs all over the world. Among the 32 breeds we have sampled it in, the most common occurrences include Boxers, Labrador Retrievers, and Papillons.

The vast majority of Rottweilers have the A1d haplogroup.



The Paternal Haplotype reveals a dog’s deep ancestral lineage, stretching back thousands of years to the original domestication of dogs.

Are you looking for information on the breeds that Molly inherited from her mom and dad? Check out her breed breakdown and family tree.

Paternal Haplotype is determined by looking at a dog’s Y-chromosome—but not all dogs have Y-chromosomes!

Why can’t we show Paternal Haplotype results for female dogs?

All dogs have two sex chromosomes. Female dogs have two X-chromosomes (XX) and male dogs have one X-chromosome and one Y-chromosome (XY). When having offspring, female (XX) dogs always pass an X-chromosome to their puppy. Male (XY) dogs can pass either an X or a Y-chromosome—if the puppy receives an X-chromosome from its father then it will be a female (XX) puppy and if it receives a Y-chromosome then it will be a male (XY) puppy. As you can see, Y-chromosomes are passed down from a male dog only to its male offspring.

Since Molly is a female (XX) dog, she has no Y-chromosome for us to analyze and determine a paternal haplotype.

