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Gallery - Missy
Focused on me her handler she was 12 weeks old.
First hospital trip she was 16 weeks old.
Miss Missy giving me that million dollar smile.
Working without her vest on.
First time in a restaurant/fastfood setting.
Missy's second trip with me to the hospital she's almost 5.5 months old and 54lbs now.
First trip to the movie theater! She did wonderful and settled right away and ended up sleeping our movie away!
Settled in front of me during our movie.
Settled under my chair during a 2.5 hour long doctors appointment she did beautifully and stayed settled under my chairs or legs the whole time she's such a good girl.
Cutest Rainbow! Had a fun off duty trip to PetSmart where she tried on a new vest, got a new toy, and a buffalo horn/beef ribs to chew on!