Luna's 2nd birthday [July 2023]!
Someone had to get put on a lead at the camsite after attempting to chase other dogs down the beach... was not happy about her newly earned restrictions... 🤣 [August 2022]
11 wks old and simply adorable [October 2021]
Luna and her brother Loki [November 2023]
Luna and her brother Loki [November 2023]
Unlike her brother, someone is not quite convinced that DogTv should be trusted... 🤣 [March 2024]
10 Weeks ... My husband left to "go get groceries" and came home with Luna (and nothing that was actually on the grocery list)... We called her "groceries" for two days while we decided on a name 🤣
11 Weeks... on the "complete chaos" and "total zombie" rotation 😆
12 Weeks... and already queen of the couch (and our hearts 💕)
December 31, 2021 [22.5 wks]
8 months, 3 days [3/30/22]
Luna, the water monster (and her brother Loki) [June 2022]
One year old!!! (7/27/2022)
Luna has recently discovered that she loves camping and boating on the great lakes... but apparently HATES kayaking (which requires her mom and brother [loki] to be in a different kayak). She literally screamed whenever the two kayaks weren't right next to each other... it was a LONG four hours! 🤣 [8/15/2022]
What toy??? (...And I love you and shall call you my chewy!)
12/21/22. Luna was scared off by a passing bicycle and went missing within moments after this photo was taken. Was finally found 12/29 after having survived on her own through a blizzard. One tough cookie.
12/31/22; Ringing in the new year at home, recovering from a bit of frostbite on her feet and rawness on her lip / nose after having been lost in a blizzard for a week... but still with a smile on her face!
Luna the professional "spot thief" hard at work. Doesn't seem to matter how long it's been since a spot was vacated. I once stood up to see if I was sitting on the remote control... I merely stood up and turned around... and - somehow - she was already in my spot! [March 2023]
4/27/23... out in the yard with her brother Loki!
Luna has found her favorite seat in the new travel trailer... and apparently that seat is in front of a chess board 🤣 [June 2023]
Luna, the bird, creating her nest... 🤣 [February 2024]
100% Diva. [Camping in the travel trailer, June 2024]
...think someone might think that she had one too many walks today... [Camping in the travel trailer, June 2024]
Tables... perfect for those times when you're begging and your head gets too heavy 🤣 [July 2024]
Professional sunbather [July 2024]
Luna the Secretay: Hard at work
Luna the Secretary: Does not take requests