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Gallery - Lani (2009-2021), my greatest love!
She was listed as a Rottweiler (!? LOL). The volunteer at the animal shelter made me go to the bonding room. She fell asleep on my leg. I knew she was special.
From puppy time, she always thought she was a big dawg and had no fear of heights! She has scrambled up big boulders chasing chipmunks, jumped onto a log pile 4 feet high!
A snow dog from the beginning! She could stay out there for hours and wouldn't come in, even when covered in snow balls!
These three - BEST dogs ever!!!
SUP Dawg!
This is the BEST! Like heaven on earth: when your amazing companion is with you doing your favorite things!
Note to self: don't go to dog park AFTER being groomed!
She kept sticking her nose in the snow until she found this ball buried under all the snow!!! She was/is so tolerant of cold temperatures, has wide flat paws to help her float ontop the snow and she could find things buried under the snow, I thought about her being an Avalanche Rescue dog, until they informed me I'd have to go on the searches too.
By the way, she kept growing and growing (past Shih Tzu size) and didn't fit on my lap anymore!