Sibling playtime is the best part of the work week!
Learned a new trick!
Huck and Pumpkin don’t always include their friends in playtime. Siblings just play different
16 weeks
20 weeks
The littermates.
Huck on left, Pumpkin Pie in front, Pearl on right.
The picture that stole my heart
Aug 2022 - 8 months
Is it just Huck that thinks it’s ok to sit on friends???? ♥️
Loves to swim!
Again…..using his uncle as a seat
This time on one (of many) girlfriends….
Part of his work crew
Huck gets his seat at the table
Jiggs was worn out enough to tolerate Huck’s sitting
With his poodle cousins…he met them on “gotcha day” and that bond was sealed.
Uncle Otis is VERY tolerant.
Huck and littermate Pumpkin Pie. Fortunate to have moms that work together!!
Head tilt check