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GQ Chocolate Hershey DM CGC

Labrador Retriever

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Place of Birth

Elkhart, IA, USA

Current Location

Nashua, New Hampshire, USA


Elkhart, IA, USA

This dog has been viewed and been given 2 wags


American Kennel Club (AKC): SS07025109

Genetic Breed Result


Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever was bred for hunting and excelled in retrieving game after it was shot down. Known for its gentle disposition and loyalty, the Labrador Retriever has become a favorite of families and breeders alike.

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Changes to this dog’s profile
  • On 8/20/2020 changed name from "Hershey" to "GQ Chocolate Hershey"
Here’s what Hershey’s family tree may have looked like.
While there may be other possible configurations of his family’s relationships, this is the most likely family tree to explain Hershey’s breed mix.


Health Summary

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Hershey inherited one variant that you should learn more about.

Progressive Retinal Atrophy, prcd

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Hershey inherited one copy of the variant we tested

What does this result mean?

This variant should not impact Hershey’s health. This variant is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner, meaning that a dog needs two copies of the variant to show signs of this condition. Hershey is unlikely to develop this condition due to this variant because he only has one copy of the variant.

Impact on Breeding

Your dog carries this variant and will pass it on to ~50% of his offspring. You can email to discuss with a genetic counselor how the genotype results should be applied to a breeding program.

What is Progressive Retinal Atrophy, prcd?

PRA-prcd is a retinal disease that causes progressive, non-painful vision loss. The retina contains cells, called photoreceptors, that collect information about light and send signals to the brain. There are two types of photoreceptors: rods, for night vision and movement, and cones, for day vision and color. This type of PRA leads to early loss of rod cells, leading to night blindness before day blindness.

Breed-Relevant Genetic Conditions

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Canine Elliptocytosis (SPTB Exon 30)

Identified in Labrador Retrievers

Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency (PKLR Exon 7, Labrador Retriever Variant)

Identified in Labrador Retrievers

Golden Retriever Progressive Retinal Atrophy 2, GR-PRA2 (TTC8)

Identified in Labrador Retrievers

Progressive Retinal Atrophy, crd4/cord1 (RPGRIP1)

Identified in Labrador Retrievers

Day Blindness (CNGA3 Exon 7, Labrador Retriever Variant)

Identified in Labrador Retrievers

Macular Corneal Dystrophy, MCD (CHST6)

Identified in Labrador Retrievers

Urate Kidney & Bladder Stones (SLC2A9)

Identified in Labrador Retrievers

Alexander Disease (GFAP)

Identified in Labrador Retrievers

Degenerative Myelopathy, DM (SOD1A)

Identified in Labrador Retrievers

Narcolepsy (HCRTR2 Intron 6, Labrador Retriever Variant)

Identified in Labrador Retrievers

Centronuclear Myopathy, CNM (PTPLA)

Identified in Labrador Retrievers

Exercise-Induced Collapse, EIC (DNM1)

Identified in Labrador Retrievers

X-Linked Myotubular Myopathy (MTM1, Labrador Retriever Variant)

Identified in Labrador Retrievers

Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome, CMS (COLQ, Labrador Retriever Variant)

Identified in Labrador Retrievers

Hereditary Nasal Parakeratosis, HNPK (SUV39H2)

Identified in Labrador Retrievers

Skeletal Dysplasia 2, SD2 (COL11A2, Labrador Retriever Variant)

Identified in Labrador Retrievers

Additional Genetic Conditions

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Through Hershey’s mitochondrial DNA we can trace his mother’s ancestry back to where dogs and people first became friends. This map helps you visualize the routes that his ancestors took to your home. Their story is described below the map.







GQ Chocolate Hershey’s Haplogroup

A1a is the most common maternal lineage among Western dogs. This lineage traveled from the site of dog domestication in Central Asia to Europe along with an early dog expansion perhaps 10,000 years ago. It hung around in European village dogs for many millennia. Then, about 300 years ago, some of the prized females in the line were chosen as the founding dogs for several dog breeds. That set in motion a huge expansion of this lineage. It's now the maternal lineage of the overwhelming majority of Mastiffs, Labrador Retrievers and Gordon Setters. About half of Boxers and less than half of Shar-Pei dogs descend from the A1a line. It is also common across the world among village dogs, a legacy of European colonialism.


GQ Chocolate Hershey’s Haplotype

Part of the large A1a haplogroup, this haplotype occurs most frequently in Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, and Chesapeake Bay Retrievers.

Shar Pei dogs think A1a is the coolest!



Through Hershey’s Y-chromosome we can trace his father’s ancestry back to where dogs and people first became friends. This map helps you visualize the routes that his ancestors took to your home. Their story is described below the map.







GQ Chocolate Hershey’s Haplogroup

Some of the wolves that became the original dogs in Central Asia around 15,000 years ago came from this long and distinguished line of male dogs. After domestication, they followed their humans from Asia to Europe and then didn't stop there. They took root in Europe, eventually becoming the dogs that founded the Vizsla breed 1,000 years ago. The Vizsla is a Central European hunting dog, and all male Vizslas descend from this line. During the Age of Exploration, like their owners, these pooches went by the philosophy, "Have sail, will travel!" From the windy plains of Patagonia to the snug and homey towns of the American Midwest, the beaches of a Pacific paradise, and the broad expanse of the Australian outback, these dogs followed their masters to the outposts of empires. Whether through good fortune or superior genetics, dogs from the A1a lineage traveled the globe and took root across the world. Now you find village dogs from this line frolicking on Polynesian beaches, hanging out in villages across the Americas, and scavenging throughout Old World settlements. You can also find this "prince of patrilineages" in breeds as different as German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, Pugs, Border Collies, Scottish Terriers, and Irish Wolfhounds. No male wolf line has been as successful as the A1a line!


GQ Chocolate Hershey’s Haplotype

Part of the A1a haplogroup, the H1a.8/32/43/44 haplotype occurs most commonly in Llewellin Setters, Gordon Setters and German Wirehaired Pointers. We've also spotted it in Southeast Asian Village Dogs, European Village Dogs and East Asian Village Dogs.

Dogs with A1a lineage travelled during European Colonial times.

