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Estrellita's 2nd Chance Royal T


“Chance is the product of a frozen semen breeding from an early Mi-Ki ancestor.”

Place of Birth

Dallas, Texas, USA

Current Location

Bakersfield, California, USA


Elizabeth, Colorado, USA

This dog has been viewed and been given 1 wag


N/A :

Genetic Breed Result



Though the Mi-Ki breed is rare, with their cute looks and charming personality their popularity is ever increasing.

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Changes to this dog’s profile
  • On 1/26/2023 changed name from "Estrellita's Second Chance" to "Estrellita's 2nd Chance Royal T"

Health Summary

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Chance is at increased risk for one genetic health condition.

And inherited three variants that you should learn more about.

Intervertebral Disc Disease (Type I)

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Chance inherited one copy of the variant we tested

What does this result mean?

Follow-up by our experts indicates that this genetic variant is associated with an increase to Chance’s risk for developing Intervertebral Disc Disease (Type I).

Scientific Basis

Research studies for this variant have been based on dogs of other breeds. While dogs with similar breeds to Chance have not yet been the focus of research studies, our data indicates that Chance is likely to be at increased risk.

Impact on Breeding

While further investigation is warranted to determine the clinical presentation and penetrance in Chance’s breed, we recommend taking this genetic result into account when making breeding decisions.

What is Intervertebral Disc Disease (Type I)?

Type I Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) is a back/spine issue that refers to a health condition affecting the discs that act as cushions between vertebrae. With Type I IVDD, affected dogs can have a disc event where it ruptures or herniates towards the spinal cord. This pressure on the spinal cord causes neurologic signs which can range from a wobbly gait to impairment of movement. Chondrodystrophy (CDDY) refers to the relative proportion between a dog’s legs and body, wherein the legs are shorter and the body longer. There are multiple different variants that can cause a markedly chondrodystrophic appearance as observed in Dachshunds and Corgis. However, this particular variant is the only one known to also increase the risk for IVDD.

Dilated Cardiomyopathy, DCM1

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Chance inherited one copy of the variant we tested

What does this result mean?

Research indicates that this genetic variant is not likely to increase the risk that Chance will develop this condition.

Scientific Basis

Dogs with Chance’s breed have been included in research studies or have had follow-up by our experts that indicate that this genetic variant is not likely to increase the risk of Chance developing clinical disease.

Impact on Breeding

This genetic result should not be the primary factor in your breeding decisions.

What is Dilated Cardiomyopathy, DCM1?

DCM is the most common acquired heart disease of adult dogs. The heart has two heavily muscled ventricles that pump blood away from the heart. This disease causes progressive weakening of the ventricles by reducing the muscle mass, which causes the ventricles to dilate. Dilated ventricles do not contract and circulate oxygenated blood well, which eventually leads to heart failure.

Bald Thigh Syndrome

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Chance inherited one copy of the variant we tested

What does this result mean?

This variant should not impact Chance’s health. This variant is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner, meaning that a dog needs two copies of the variant to show signs of this condition. Chance is unlikely to develop this condition due to this variant because he only has one copy of the variant.

Impact on Breeding

Your dog carries this variant and will pass it on to ~50% of his offspring. You can email to discuss with a genetic counselor how the genotype results should be applied to a breeding program.

What is Bald Thigh Syndrome?

A cosmetic condition common to sighthounds characterized by hair loss on the thighs. It is caused by a structural abnormality of the hair follicle.

ALT Activity

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Chance inherited both copies of the variant we tested

Why is this important to your vet?

Chance has two copies of a variant in the GPT gene and is likely to have a lower than average baseline ALT activity. ALT is a commonly used measure of liver health on routine veterinary blood chemistry panels. As such, your veterinarian may want to watch for changes in Chance's ALT activity above their current, healthy, ALT activity. As an increase above Chance’s baseline ALT activity could be evidence of liver damage, even if it is within normal limits by standard ALT reference ranges.

What is ALT Activity?

Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) is a clinical tool that can be used by veterinarians to better monitor liver health. This result is not associated with liver disease. ALT is one of several values veterinarians measure on routine blood work to evaluate the liver. It is a naturally occurring enzyme located in liver cells that helps break down protein. When the liver is damaged or inflamed, ALT is released into the bloodstream.

Breed-Relevant Genetic Conditions

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Additional Genetic Conditions

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Through Chance’s mitochondrial DNA we can trace his mother’s ancestry back to where dogs and people first became friends. This map helps you visualize the routes that his ancestors took to your home. Their story is described below the map.







Estrellita's 2nd Chance Royal T’s Haplogroup

B1 is the second most common maternal lineage in breeds of European or American origin. It is the female line of the majority of Golden Retrievers, Basset Hounds, and Shih Tzus, and about half of Beagles, Pekingese and Toy Poodles. This lineage is also somewhat common among village dogs that carry distinct ancestry from these breeds. We know this is a result of B1 dogs being common amongst the European dogs that their conquering owners brought around the world, because nowhere on earth is it a very common lineage in village dogs. It even enables us to trace the path of (human) colonization: Because most Bichons are B1 and Bichons are popular in Spanish culture, B1 is now fairly common among village dogs in Latin America.


Estrellita's 2nd Chance Royal T’s Haplotype

Part of the B1 haplogroup, the B77/B81 haplotype occurs most frequently in Shih Tzus, Small Poodles, and American Bullies.

The B1 haplogroup can be found in village dogs like the Peruvian Village Dog, pictured above.



Through Chance’s Y-chromosome we can trace his father’s ancestry back to where dogs and people first became friends. This map helps you visualize the routes that his ancestors took to your home. Their story is described below the map.







Estrellita's 2nd Chance Royal T’s Haplogroup

B is a relatively rare paternal line that has only recently started to expand. The dominant lineage among the ancient Shih Tzu breed, it is also found among Tibetan Spaniels. Outside of these two breeds, B seems to be a particularly common paternal line among the village dogs of India and Southeast Asia, though it is found as far afield as Africa and down into Oceania. Considering that it is particularly diverse in northern India, it could be that this lineage hung out mostly in South Asia after the expansion of domestic dogs from Central Asia. Because it is present in Mongolia as well, it may not be surprising that ancient East Asian dog breeds are also part of this lineage. Alternatively, perhaps males representing this lineage headed north out of southern Eurasia, which eventually gave rise to the Shih Tzu and may have inspired stylistic representations of lions in ancient China!


Estrellita's 2nd Chance Royal T’s Haplotype

Part of the B haplogroup, this haplotype has been found in village dogs in Qatar and India. Unlike most other haplotypes within the B haplogroup, we do see this in a select few breed dogs. Specifically, it occurs in the Shih Tzu and Tibetan Spaniel.

The B Haplogroup is most commonly found the adorable Shih Tzu breed.

