Gotta start em young Dewy traning. He loves to work fast learner.
Dewy leash traning going well.
Dewy running a smart phone game!
A bigger Dewy still practicing tricks and traning. He has mastered sit stick em up high five place stay rollover and fetch. So proud of him he was so easy to potty train and traning in general. Cant wait for warm weather field traning for phesant hunting.
Dewy responding to body language gestures the way he started training.
Dewy having a first of many meals at his forever home.
Dewys Father Confirmed Farnsworth Prince Maximus. Owned by Farnsworth puppy love. Found also on Embark 63% DNA match
Micro scope fun with Dewys milk teeth.
Dewys milk teeth incisors.
Dewys baby teeth incisors.
Dewys baby teeth he has lost. We will take to vet for full root verification. Just a precaution to avoid any unwanted complications.
Dewy late November 2021.
First haircut
Dewy Jan 30 2022 the sock thief. Going for haircut again soon. Will be a monthly thing from now on.
New toy for Dewy the much bigger boy.
Dewys did you say go outside to potty? look LOL
Dewys lets play look.
Dewy just got groomed at the dog house llc.
Dewy we just got back from his groomer. She did an amazing job as always.
Rocking the poodle mustache and beard. Whoever said a poodle can't be a manly dog? Obviously they didn't know of their hunting prowess.
He is a happy boy.
Happy Easter
I can't wait to see the Continental cut.
Dewy showing off doing the Fabio look lol
Lightly smoked chicken for Dewy baby back ribs for Pa.
Getting pheasant ready.
Trying out the brush guard for upland game hunting.
One of Dewy's distant relatives Ritter