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Gallery - Delphine
8 weeks old
4 months old. She loves to run!
Rocket Girl
6 months old
6 months old
Delphine with our other Catahoula pup, Roux
Delphine with our other Catahoula pup, Roux
Delphine with our other Catahoula pup, Roux
Delphine with our other Catahoula pup, Roux
Delphine with our other Catahoula pup, Roux
Six Months old
Delphine is ten months old - Roux is in the background - nine months old.
First Christmas for Delphine and Roux. Delphine 10 months old, Roux 9 months old.
One year old!
One year old!
One year old!
Delphine and our other Catahoula, Roux. They are first cousins as they both carry the Salty Dog bloodline.
Delphine and our other Catahoula, Roux. They are first cousins as they both carry the Salty Dog bloodline.
Delphine and our other Catahoula, Roux. They are first cousins as they both carry the Salty Dog bloodline.
Delphine and our other Catahoula, Roux. They are first cousins as they both carry the Salty Dog bloodline.
Delphine and our other Catahoula, Roux. They are first cousins as they both carry the Salty Dog bloodline.