Crown Royal Caviar Microchip #4469380D04, and added to Caviar's AKC certified Pedigree on 1/14/2008 as additional identification with her microchip ID being verified by Idaho Veterinary Hospital Reproduction Specialists Bridgette during the DNA collection for submission to Embark & Wisdom, proving Caviar is in Fact the only known 100% purebred charcoal dilute Labrador within 4 gens of Spook Culo, 3 gens of Dudley Culo, and within 2 to 3 generations of the first known charcoals from Beavercreek.
AKC Crown Royal Caviar
Crown Royal Caviar, taken 2010
Caviar’s dilute gold eyes are Striking
AKC Crown Royal Caviar with her first litter by Texas Tanker II born 6/2008
Simply Silver’s Crown Royal Caviar, charcoal AKC registered purebred Labrador Retriever
Crown Royal Caviar, taken in 2008
Crown Royal Caviar, all copyright rights reserved
Caviars dilute charcoal eyes are Glowing
Crown Royal Caviar, seen with her granddaughter Isis taken in 2014 located in Payette Idaho
Crown Royal Caviar taken in 2017, all copyright rights reserved
Crown Royal Caviar (left, age 1.5 years old), Texas Tanker II (right, age 4 years old) All Copyright Rights Reserved taken in 2008
Simply Silver’s Kona Kailuah Carries All Colors, seen with his dam Crown Royal Caviar taken 2011
Caviar (left), seen running with her only chocolate son Kona taken 2011
Simply Silver’s Kona Kailuah Carries All Colors, sired by Mellow Yellow’s Bearly White Kodiak out of Crown Royal Caviar’s last litter whelped in 2010
Kona is/was our only Caviar/Kodie chocolate son ever born out of their last litter dob 2010 which Kona carried all colors including black, chocolate, traditional yellow, Dudley (chocolate nosed yellow), silver, charcoal, champagne (silver nosed yellow), and chinchilla (charcoal nosed yellow).
Simply Silver’s MY P-Payette Knight, DOB 05/01/2010 is our only dilute factored Caviar/Texas offspring who is sired from Kona’s very 1st litter. Opie is our only “dilute factored black,” Caviar dilute factored grandson still producing within our exclusive MYSS Labradors program with Opie’s stunning True English style Labrador Retriever conformation and rare double dilute light gold eye coloring making him a hallmark for MYSS Labradors program.
Simply Silver’s My O-Payette Knight, DNA clear except a carrier of EIC only.
Opie’s striking double dilute eyes are a product of both his two parents contributing one marker for rare dilute eyes from each side of his two parents two pedigrees.
Simply Silver’s Almond Roca, Roca is our only dilute factored chocolate 103 lbs Caviar/Texas great grandson dob 2012. Roca is from our MYSS Labradors 4th generation (one generation past Opie’s litter) of MYSS Labradors exclusive private dilute AKC purebred Labrador Retriever bloodlines.
Simply Silver’s Almond Roca
Isis and her full litter brother Kokomo were the only two surviving puppies dob 10/10/2013, from Kona’s second, and last litter sired for us prior to Kona’s untimely passing in 2013. Isis and Kokomo both do not carry the rare dilute coat color genes.
MellowYellows Isis A White Goddess Of SimplySilvr
Isis, our stunning polar bear white with black nose Caviar granddaughter
MellowYellows Snow & Ice On Kascade Mtn High Of SS, Kascade is our teddy bear blocky stunning crème with black nose 85 lbs English style Labrador Retriever female, who’s dam is Isis who is sired by Kona for his second/last litter, thus Kascade is Caviar’s great granddaughter who does not carry the dilute coat color gene.
Kascade 85 lbs full English style (crème traditional black nose does not carry dilute, left), and Opie 100 lbs full English style (black, dilute factored with rare dilute eyes, carries dilute silver, charcoal, champagne, and chinchilla, right). Both are stunning examples of our exclusive MYSS Labradors bloodlines.
Kascade, 85 lbs crème who’s pedigree includes CH Ridgeview’s Bugs Bunny and CH Shannon’s Absolute White Russian.
Opie’s broad blocky true English style Labrador Retriever headpiece matches Kascade’s gorgeous teddy bear blocky headpiece with our pride being that of earning the best head award in our dilute program being our biggest accomplishment for producing our true English style MYSS Labradors, established in 2008.
Kascade, who hits the standard to the Tee at 85 lbs crème traditional black nose English style Labrador female, seen left with her uncle Kokomo, right who is a Gorgeous black 115 lbs oversized 28 inch tall massive big teddy bear, Kokomo is Kascade’s uncle which Kascade’s dad Isis is Kokomo’s full litter sister.
Kascade and Kokomo seen in 2020
Mellow Yellow’s MY Way Down In Kokomo, black 115 lbs OFA hips permanent rated Excellent, OFA elbows permanent rated normal, DNA 100% clear on all genetic disease testing who is our “Lesser Newfoundland.”
Kokomo carries black, yellow/polar bear white, and chocolate but unfortunately not the dilute gene. Kokomo is one of only two surviving puppies sired out of Kona’s second/only last litter for us, both Kokomo and Isis did Not DNA test to carry the rare dilute gene.
Mellow Yellow’s MY Way Down In Kokomo, black 115 lbs, 28 inches tall at the shoulder sire to two litters only.
Kokomo seen posing at his natural show stack, Kokomo’s Impressive Size shows how tall he is here compared to my husbands waist and Kokomo took up the entire 6 foot X-ray table when we had his OFA hip/elbow X-rays done.
Kascade seen here at age 3 years old is now permanently retired and spayed living in her forever retirement home.
Simply Silver’s My Vanilla Sky, Kyler is the sire to Roca (chocolate 103 lbs, carries dilute). Kyler is a white with traditional black nose 105 lbs dilute factored full litter brother to Opie. Opie and Kyler’s two parents are Patty our only Kloie/Texas black daughter dilute factored, and Kona our only chocolate male dilute factored ever born out of Caviar and Kodie’s last litter. Roca is our only Kyler offspring, so Roca is from our 4th generation MYSS Labradors bloodlines.
Simply Silver’s My Blitzen Rowkey, our only charcoal female out of Patty and Kona, full sister to Opie and Kyler, and Rowkey is dam to Roca which Roca is our only AKC registered offspring ever produced from Kyler/Rowkey.
AKC Spook Culo, the Very first known AKC registered as "silver" Labrador Retriever, born to Dean Christ of Culo Cristo Kennels. Spook was one of two AKC registered Labrador Retrievers out of the same pair of chocolate parents that was officially granted at first the designated coat color registration color listed as "silver." From a subsequent repeat mating a 2nd silver male was born, AKC Dudly Culo and as such both Spook and Dudly carried 100% the same DNA with Dudly within 3 gens of Caviar.
AKC RC Dozer Of Beavercreek, was the 2nd known charcoal born to the Beavercreek Kennel who had a previous litter out of the same two pair of parents where the sire was chocolate, and the dam was black. In previous litter together, another charcoal had been whelped which was the 1st known charcoal male, AKC Slate Blue Of Beaver Creek. Both charcoals were believed to be registered as black. Then Beavercreek joined with Culo Cristo, establishing the foundation of All known dilute Labradors today
Crown Royal Caviar, was always known for being an Amazing watch dog (unheard of in Labs!!) and Caviar was also known for being super healthy her whole life. Caviar is seen here at age 13 years old, with this photo taken of Caviar in 2019 with Caviar on her front porch located in Payette Idaho which was taken 1 year before she passed of natural causes.
Crown Royal Caviar, here is one of the last photos taken of Caviar in late fall 2019, photo is taken of Caviar happy and healthy at age 14 years old at home, located in Payette Idaho. Caviar is now a great great grandam to all our private exclusive MYSS offspring and Caviar is foundation dam to all our MYSS Labradors some with or without the dilute coat color genes, who continue carrying on Caviar’s legacy to this day, forever are we proud that Caviar was our dog, Amen.
Even at age 13 years old, Caviar could still get after it quite well. Thankfully, Caviar Never suffered from any health conditions mild or severe, including hip or elbow dysplasia, of Any kind. Caviar her entire life was as healthy as can be, required almost zero expenses in vet care. Even at this very ripe old age and she would still get the ball first on occasion and immediately she would demand to get to keep it afterwards as Caviar is seen here with her ball prize.
The rare uncommon “dilute factored black,” such as Opie was once quite common when dilute Labs first came about, however Opie’s rare Anomaly of double dilute recessive eyes on his traditional black coat is now almost Unheard of in most dilute Labrador breeding programs of modern day with the long lost dilute factored black Labradors such as Opie, back in the late 1990’s described as having an extraordinary double dense or extra thick extremely glossy black coat found on Silver Star’s website
Wisdom Panel, confirming Caviar’s 100.0 purebred Labrador Retriever DNA
Wisdom additional breed testing, showing Caviars purebred Labrador Retriever results (general) in blue, Labrador Retriever UK in light blue, Labrador Retriever US Field bred in green, and Labrador Retriever US show bred in yellow
In breed comparison of purebred Labrador Retrievers
Caviar’s purebred Labrador Retriever DNA does Not compare to any other known breeds in the Wisdom Panel database,
Caviar’s DOB is 3/21/2006, and Cavairs Home Again microchip enrollment #4469380D04 was added to her official AKC registration as Caviar’s additional permanent identification number on January 14th, 2008. DNA collection performed by Bridgette, Reproduction Specialists, from Idaho Veterinary Hospital, Nampa Idaho, thus proving the integrity of the source of the DNA samples submitted for Caviar was submitted properly for Labrador Retriever purebrebreed identification
In January 2008, Caviar’s Home Again microchip ID was enrolled and officially added by us to Caviar’s AKC registration and listed on Caviars AKC official 4 generation pedigree as Caviar’s additional permanent Identification information. This proves beyond any shadow of a doubt now, that the DNA samples submitted for breed identification were in fact from Caviar’s own mouth
Dean Christ interview, documents that Spook Culo and Dudley Culo were in fact the very first two AKC registered silver dilute Labradors
Caviar passed away peacefully at our home on May 28th, 2020 Caviar lived a total of 14 years, two months, and 7 days and died due to natural elderly old age passing gently and very much at peace as we helped our precious beloved family member Caviar pass over, thanks to the very kind assistance of Snake River Veterinary Hospital, Fruitland Idaho. Caviar is gone but she will Never be forgotten and I cannot Wait to see my dog Caviar again as I know she waits patiently to see us all again, Amen.