November 2019: Six months old: I need a permanent home, so I'm smiling pretty for the camera...
November 2019: Six months old... Look at my thick, soft, curly hair. Please give me a home...
November 2019: Six months old: I'm pretending to be a sleepy boy but that doesn't stop me from sneaking a peak...
November 2019: Six months old: Sometimes all this fur gets hot, so I'm cooling off my ear...
November 2019: Six months old: You know I am a rescued dog so I really need a good home. So, how many pictures and positions does it take for you to decide?
Six months old: Fifty-five pounds of cuteness: Okay this is the last one to help convince you...
January 14, 2020: I found my new home the day before Thanksgiving. They take such good care of me. I went to their vet the day after Thanksgiving and he found two types of worms (pin worms and hook worms), a UTI, and a weakness in my back right leg. I took lots of medicine and a shot. Uck! Uck! Uck! They even put in a microchip. Now, almost everything is better, except my bum hind leg. I'm at the groomer waiting for my first professional grooming with my new family...
January 14, 2020: Today I turned 7 months old. I'm over 60 pounds now and still growing...
January 14, 2020: I'm bathed and fluffed and starting to get a hair trim.
January 14, 2020: Look at me! I no longer look like an ungroomed bear!!! I wonder what comes next...
January 14, 2020: Hey look at my new bandana – It’s Star Wars!!!
January 14, 2020: Alright, it’s time to go home…
March 1, 2020: I’m nine and one-half months old now and still like to act like a puppy. My mom took the cover off my bed to wash it, but I’m having fun with it and with my toys before I’ll let her have it back… Nonetheless, I graduated from my first obedience class at the end of January. We just started the second class. I am helping to teach them how to help me learn and how to behave properly around me. You know, they are pretty stubborn about all of this! We have just begun the second class.
August 5, 2020: I'm fourteen months old now and over 90 pounds. I like to flip my tail over my back because it has a beautiful plume!!! But I got a really bad tangle on the right side that has to come out!!! I'm not looking forward to that. Ouch!!!
August 6, 2020: What are your looking at? Yes, I got a summer haircut so I wouldn’t be so hot in the Texas summertime. And, they cut out the knot so it wouldn’t hurt so much to comb out the horrible tangle…
August 6, 2020: Okay, you can see the whole cut and shave. You can also see my silver butt and my silver stripe on my shoulders. My tail looks so silly with most of my other hair shaved off. But, it is still beautiful when I stand up and drape it over my back…
August 6, 2020: Can you see how they left long hair on my tail and my ears? I’ve got white on my toes, chest, and a little on my chin, also. I went to the vet in June. They took x-rays of my right hip, leg, and foot to see if they could find the source of my weak leg. I’m taking meds to see if it will help with pain or inflammation. Then, they referred me to a specialist for more x-rays. I have to go back later and do it again...
August 6, 2020: Excuse me while I drink a little milk. At least it will give you a chance to better see my plume. The groomer cut several inches off because she thought it would help to offset the spot where she removed the tangle and to help balance the shaved hair. It looks kind of silly, but it’s still AMAZING and Mesmerizing.
August 7, 2020: Do I look spiffy in my new bowtie? I wish I could see it better. Mom says I am developing cataracts in my eyes. It's not too bad now, but I am too young to have them. She is going to mention it to the vet when I get my shots next month...
20. May 5, 2021: I’ll be two years old this month and I now weigh 110 pounds. I've just been to the groomer for my yearly summer cut. Look how much silver I have under all that dark brown. My owner’s grand-daughter called me tie-dyed. I like that!!! The groomer cut everything really short this year including my plume.
May 5, 2021: Aren’t my eyes pretty. I can see you clearly now if you don’t get too close. I went to the Eye specialist in February and she said my cataracts were nearly fully developed. I hadn’t started to run into objects because I still had some vision. I also knew my home and yard really well. But, I had to find my treats by sniffing them out. The doctor explained that it was like looking through wax paper. Anyway, I now have new lens in my eyes which make me slightly far-sighted.
May 5, 2021: Mom and Dad wanted to find out more about me, my genetic health, and my relatives. So, they finally invested in the Embark DNA kit. They took a 30-second swab of my lower cheek after I had not eaten for at least half an hour. You see, that is really hard because when I am awake, food is what I think about most. I’m really good at finding ways to earn rewards. I even got one for taking a good swab test.
May 5, 2021: The cataract surgery made it super easy to earn rewards because I needed so many meds to heal my eyes. At one point I had to take five sets of eye drops four times a day and three types of pills twice a day. Now, I take one set of eye drops two times a day and no pills. At my next check-up in June I may be finished with everything. I didn’t gain any weight during the last few months because I’m more active now. And, I may have hit my adult weight!!!
May 18, 2021: So, my DNA results started to trickle in. The medical report was released first. It says I don’t have juvenile cataract in my DNA so something else happened with my eyes. Overall, medically there is only one cautionary area for my vet to consider since it makes one of the normal readings actually high because normal for me is going to be on the low side of good. However, I might need to lose a few pounds. NOOOOOOOO!!!!!
May 18, 2021: Now my mom and dad understand why I am so big, muscular, have that fascinating plume, and a coat of many colors. What you can’t see well in pictures is the softness of my hair and my soft curls. You can’t see my personality or smarts. But, the many breeds from my ancestors give clues to each one of those. Overall, I am unique due to the combination of parents, grandparents, and great grandparents. Can you guess the seven breeds from which I descend?