Water fun
Remote control car entertainment
He loves to lick Kendall's head
"What did you buy us?"
My doggie cam capturing them waiting for me to come inside.
Chasing the light
Ready to go to sleep
Couch pawtatoes
Casey and Roxie playing
They love the water!
More water fun!
Casey, Bessie & Maggie playing
Playing with the weasel ball
My handsome boy Casey
About to get his heartworm prevention shot
As a puppy and now at 5 yrs old
Oct 6, 2020
Birthday boy!
Just chillin in the pool
Isn't he just so irresistible?
I love this pic!
He loves the pool
Everyone fighting over the ball
Casey & Daisy Mae (1st love)
Casey & Maggie
His Family
Casey's daughter, Bella with momma Daisy Mae
Casey & Daisy's puppies
2 of Casey's daughters Bessie and Roxie
Casey as a puppy
Bessie & Daisy
Cooper & Casey
This is how he likes to sleep. Under the covers, on his back, while snoring.