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Gallery - Bodie
It is not a lot of fun playing with a fawn toy hog!
It's Bodie's 1st birthday and he says, "catch me if you can".
Boxer puppy Bodie thinks playing outside is better than a bowl of cookies!
Run, run, run. Fun, fun, fun!
DOGGIE SIBLINGS; White Boxer Bee (7 1/2 years), Brindle Boxer Bodie (1 day shy of 5 years), Boston Terrier Gibby (5 1/2 years), and Mix breed Neddy (10 months) enjoying warm December weather.
Bodie's 5th birthday.
4 DOG FAMILY; white (F) Boxer BEE 7 years old, brindle (m) Boston Terrier GIBBY 5 1/2 years old, brindle (m) Boxer BODIE 5 years old, and yellow & white (m) Mix Breed NEDDY 10 months old.
Our 2023 dog family minus Beagle Jimy. Turns out our white Boxer BEE is BODIE'S #1 relative. Definently suprised!
Bodie taking a snooze with his brother Gibby. Both boys were born 6 months apart in 2014.