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Gallery - Boban
Playing with his girlfriend Oakley
The second day we had Boban!
Boban at 13 months old.
When he's tired his ears get super floppy!
Boban's hungry face.
Boban is too strong to walk with a harness, but it's great for when we go to the dog park, or travel.
Having fun with his friend Ronnie.
Boban with his cousin Bowie.
in full gallop
Having fun in the -30 degree blizzard conditions here in Colorado.
Fun play sesh with Canyon.
Wearing his dads cool new hat
Getting some sun with his buddy Gracie
In his element
Bobans California girlfriend Wyloh
Up in the mountains of Colorado.
Boban at 8 months old before we adopted him!
Getting a treat with Toby and Billie
Running around with Tikka!
Getting some ice cream in South Park! He got lots of pets