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Gallery - Birdie Mae
Birdie’s favorite activity is sticking her head out of the car window when we take a drive. (To protect her eyes, she wears RexSpecs, which she gives four paws up.) Here she is window surfing whilst showing off the treat she received from the car wash attendant. Birdie didn’t eat the treat but still had to flash it around town on our drive home (summer 2020).
This was Birdie’s first drive with her new RexSpecs. She loves holding her head out of the window but occasionally gets eye infections from environmental allergies, and we were concerned debris from the road could also hurt her eyes. She took to the glasses quickly & without issue, and now Birdie knows that her glasses are mandatory in the car. She also knows that if we grab her glasses & leash, she’s going for a drive, and she becomes very excited.
Birdie LOVES a good, cuddly nap in bed . . . but she snores.
Birdie Mae (November 2020).
Birdie loves Halloween! In 2020, she was a car window-surfing lion with her very own vampire chauffeur. We drove around the city like this for several hours because she loves it so much.
Birdie Mae on her adoption day, 19 March 2020.
Birdie Mae, just after a short summer haircut to beat the heat (2020).
She often sleeps on her back, stretched out, legs up or spread about, with at least one stuffed animal next to her.
She often sleeps with her little pink tongue sticking out. We think it helps her nose continue working even when she’s asleep because her super nose NEVER rests.
Birdie is often found in her window, napping in the sun or barking at certain birds & horse-pulled carriages outside. We’re on the top floor of a nine-story building, and she’s definitely not afraid of heights. She looks directly down and is unfazed by the multistory drop.
Birdie is a very silly, clownish dog, too. She’s smart and makes her own hijinks when she’s bored or not receiving enough attention.